ࡱ> DFC_ z.bjbjzyzy 6<6b6b/PP8$<<"xx!!!!!!!${$1'|"]d"dd"?a"d!d!: !,! $}9V66! !w"0"@!R'.*'!'!8>-,Y$}""X^"dddd'PB : NORTH IDAHO COLLEGE CLASSROOM OBSERVATION ADDENDUM for Internet Classes (Replaces Organization through Climate on the traditional classroom form) Instructor Course Date ** Good Satis- Needs N/A factory Improve ment ORGANIZATION: Is the course clearly laid out? % % % % (Effective homepage; links to course components work.) Are the schedule and any timelines clear? % % % % (Well designed, up-to-date calendar.) Organizes course so relationship between points is clear. % % % % (Tests, readings, Internet research, Forum work together.) Uses class time well, allotting enough time to important aims % % % % and points. (No  down time, waiting for assignments, etc.; course moves at consistent, manageable pace from beginning to end.) Is it easy to navigate between different components of the course? % % % % (Adequate # of working links; clear, logical link paths, including multiple paths to important pages.) DELIVERY: Does the instructor respond in a timely manner and keep the % % % % students informed? (Addresses students questions, monitoring students responses to assure concerns have been addressed.) Good Satis- Needs N/A factory Improve- ment Does the instructor foster student-to-student interaction? % % % % (e.g., facilitating interactive student discussions in Forum) Does the instructor foster student-to-instructor interaction? % % % % (e.g., instructor-initiated e-mail with struggling students) Does the instructor foster student/curricular interaction? % % % % (e.g., course allows some flexibility in pace, accommodating individual differences in student schedules, learning styles, etc.) Does the instructor use internet  handouts /audio-visual % % % % aids/other aids effectively? CLIMATE: Monitors student-to-student discussions to assure mutual % % % % civility, openness, fairneH0 2 * , x ~ "  H \ b LRl :˿|hxfCJOJQJhhCJOJQJhCJOJQJh>*OJQJ^JhCJOJQJ^JhOJQJ^JhCJOJQJ^Jh>*CJOJQJ^Jh>*OJQJhCJOJQJh6CJOJQJ]hOJQJ0*H' r 2 , x z | ~ " $a$ H LNPR < ^` !:^ ,.2*""""N####x$$"%$%2%6%8%<%N%%%r&&'B'l'' ((((h)CJOJQJ^Jh)OJQJh)CJOJQJh)>*CJOJQJhCJOJQJ^JhCJ(OJQJUh>*CJOJQJh6CJOJQJ]hCJ OJQJhCJOJQJhOJQJhCJOJQJ1^`bd .2468*"""""N#P#ss, etc. Shows enthusiasm for the material and makes students want % % % % to learn. (e.g., enthusiastic tone, responsive, maintains  live presence) Encourages and is responsive to student participation. % % % % (e.g., thanks students for participation, encourages timid students) Serves various learning styles (feelings/watching/thinking/ % % % % doing). CONTENT: Shows mastery of the subject matter or skill being presented. % % % % Conveys expectations that are reasonable & challenging. % % % % Gives clear explanations using appropriate vocabulary and % % % % examples. Good Satis- Needs N/A factory Improve- ment Encourages independent critical or reflective thinking. % % % % AWARENESS & FLEXIBILITY: Communicates effectively to the level of the students involved. % % % % Asks questions or uses other strategies to check frequently % % % % for student understanding. Shows appropriate flexibility in shifting teaching strategies % % % % if students don t show the expected comprehension or mastery. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS/COMMENTS: Specific recommendations to further improve this instructor s teaching:  Observer s Signature: Date: Instructor s Signature: Date: (Instructor s signature does not necessarily indicate agreement with evaluation.)      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